To the overthinking single mother…

To the overthinking single mother…

To the overthinking single mother who was worrying if there would be gifts under the tree last year. Who spent the nights tossing around trying to figure out how much she could spend on presents.

To the anxious mom who is trying to make time. Because the chores don’t do themselves and the kids won’t eat unless you made their meals.

To the mother who is missing family and has to do it alone this year. Who is trying her best to make it fun though deep down inside she’s aching for a hug.

To the mother who is rushing around trying to make 2021 better than last year. For you know the kids deserve better and you are the only one who can give them that.

To the single mother who just lost her job and can’t really afford a feast. Who feels terrible inside that all her children will get to eat is nothing like what they would be expecting.

To the overthinking single mother

To the determined mother who stays up an hour more each night. Cleaning and prepping and working and tidying. Just to make sure that everything is right.

To the struggling single mother who doesn’t know how or when it will all be ready. Who tries hard not to disappoint the kids though she is depleted and completely exhausted.

To the sorrowful mother who misses her children when they have to leave. Who constantly thinks of them and prays they’re ok. Who wishes that soon she would see them again.

To the broken hearted mom who lost her child. Who sits by herself and cries herself to sleep each night.

To the single mothers who are fighting to keep the spirit alive. Who try to make every single day special.

To all the mothers around the world who plan and try so hard each day, every day. Who have not considered themselves in the midst of the daily rush. Who year after year fight to be better than the last, so their children have someone to look up to.

You are enough. And all your children need…is YOU.

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