Finding Love After Divorce

Finding Love After Divorce

Have you been holding onto the vow, “…to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part?” And maybe you did for many years. Now, it seems you 

5 Great Books to Help Kids Through Divorce

Here are 5 great books to help kids through divorce. These books address the emotional overwhelm that many children experience during a divorce and gives a perspective about living in two homes that is easy to understand. We found these books to be very useful, 

Hear My Prayer – The Serenity Prayer

A very special person gave me this chocolate hand in a prayer position on the Serenity Prayer. On the inside, a beautiful note that spoke the words of comfort, motivation, and hope. Life is not always tough. Yet, it is not always easy. We experience 

Recovering from a Broken Past

Many single mothers are single either because of a painful past. Or by choice, both of which often lead to very hurtful events or painful emotions that tend to not want to leave us even long after we’ve left. Many of us are recovering from